

I'm Monica.  I've been called any of the following: Mon, Mony, Mony (with a long O), Money, Ica, Ick, Monj, Monjinica, MJ, Monica Jane, or Babe (this is reserved for my husband only!).  As of New Year's Eve 2011, I go by Monica McWilliams, hence "M^2."  I'm in my early twenties, a newlywed, living in Davis, CA, and I'm completely new to the blogging world!  But, I've fallen. in. LOVE!  One of my best friends encouraged me to start this, and after some pushing a prodding from her, I've decided to write this blog to give my family and friends back home a glimpse into our lives and adventures in California.  This will be a REAL picture of my life.  I'll be completely honest, transparent, and vulnerable with you.   I'll share stories about being a newlywed, living on a budget, striving to eat REAL food, growing up, entering into the "real world," any thoughts, desires, fun finds, tips, trips, recipes, stories, and everything I learn in between! I'll document what's happening in and working for myself and my life personally.  I don't claim that what I write or how I live works for everyone, but maybe you'll find something that you enjoy or can help you, too! 

 It won't be pretty or professional to begin with, and I'm not quite sure where it will lead. Life has changed drastically for my husband and I, and I'm hoping this can be an outlet as we journey through life together; living, loving, and LEARNING about each other and God's plan for us.  I change my mind often, mostly because I like to try anything new and really look at everything from all angles.  I believe in trusting your gut (what I believe to be God's Spirit), taking a leap of faith, and thoroughly enjoying every ounce of this blessed life we've been given. Sometimes you're right and others you're dead WRONG and you have to get back on track, but I always believe every event (no matter how easy or hard) leads you receive blessings larger than you could ever imagine!  

So, here's more about me:  I graduated from college with my degree in Sociology with and emphasis in Social Work.  Although I thoroughly enjoy Social Work and helping others, I've deviated from the Social Work field and taken a job as an Administrative Assistant.  It hasn't been easy, but I've dedicated this time to supporting my husband and REALLY figuring out where my life and career are going.  (I've got big dreams, but who doesn't?! More on these later.)  During my college years, I attended five, yes FIVE, different schools, played volleyball at two of them, coached volleyball in the off-season, and usually worked as a nanny and at Banana Republic part-time.  

The past year and a half of my life has been a complete whirlwind--I graduated from college, worked 6 different jobs, lost 22 pounds (the smallest I've been since 8th grade!), got married, and my husband and I left our home state of Iowa to relocate across the country to sunny (usually) California.  My husband and I were lucky enough to have our "baby," a 12-lb Lhasa-Poo, Kasey, join us a few months after we moved!  Sadly, we left multiple pets in Iowa with our families.  Needless to say, life has changed just a bit for us!

Aside from my husband and our dog, you'll learn that I love MANY different things.  Those include (but are most definitely not limited to): our family, friends, faith in Christ, eating REAL food (let's face it, I'm from Iowa and enjoy my comfort food--I've just been trying to make it healthier!), health, fitness, fashion--being comfortable and practical while still flattering, ANY cute furry friends, being outdoors, skin care, make-up, relationships, meeting new people, dreaming about the future and owning my own business, trying anything new, saving money, learning to grow a garden (not exactly possible in a tiny apt. with NO yard), attempting to be organized, traveling, boating, reading, watching TV series/movies, living in the country (NEVER thought I'd say that!), farmer's markets, playing the piano, listening to the piano, volleyball (coaching, playing, or watching), dancing, country music, good beer and wine, learning how to knit, and enjoying anything life throws my way!  

Simpson College Volleyball Team 2010

Travels to Machu Picchu in Peru

Boating with my oldest nephew
So whether you know me personally, or are just meeting me for the first time, thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy following the journey of my life as "M^2."

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