
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Here's Where I Am...

I've tried REALLY hard to try and figure out how to explain where I am emotionally and spiritually in life.  I stumbled upon this article at With a few minor differences from my life (1. I'm not the breadwinner 2. I've moved away from everything that's comfortable to me 3. We've only been here 3+ months), the author has nailed it as close to the head as anyone else, or myself, can. I've colored/underlined statements that really stuck out with me red and colored/underlined my own thoughts that I noted in orange. Hope you enjoy!

Emotions: On Female Bread-Winners And Hard-Fought Contentment

Editor’s Note: I don’t want to add a single word to Leslie’s post below. Read it, and read it again. Share it with the newlyweds or not-so-newlyweds in your life. Leslie Lee blogs about faith, creativity, and life at and tweets at @leslielaughs. – Lauren
Right now, I’m the main bread-winner for our family.
My husband hates that I have to write that sentence.
And me?
I hate the emotional strife this sometimes leads to in our marriage.
I hate that sinking dread that precedes looking up the checking account balance.
I hate it when people think I must be unhappy because of where we are in life. (Yes, I might DO have bad days and I do get homesick...but I AM happy even though we're going through a HUGE adjustment! And, we are experiencing tremendous blessings that we WOULDN'T be experiencing in the same way if we were somewhere else!)
The thing is, I am happy, and I’m finally starting to see that this season in life is teaching us invaluable lessons that we would not have learned on an easier road. We’ve learned to fight against resistance, to push into honesty, to pursue sacrifice, and to protect each other for the world-weariness that can tear so fast so deep.
My husband is still working on his degree, and he also works a labor-intensive full-time job to help us pay the bills. I’ve graduated and am working at a great job. So, we still live in the college town that I moved to back in 2005.
Four years here has turned into… more.
Four years has turned into waiting and learning.
Four years has turned into calling this season of in-between home, sweet home.
And me and In-between? We’re BFFs now, after being frenemies for quite a while. (I'm not quite BFF's with the "in-between" yet, but working on getting there.)
Honestly, I’m surprised that I’ve learned to deal with In-between. I think the keys have been, one, learning the importance of remembering that my husband and I are on the same team and, two, realizing the power of hard-fought contentment.
The fact is that genuine contentment doesn’t come easy. For me, longing to start a family and start “putting down roots” can throw me down quick into a deep, dark hole of discontentment. Losing sleep, pounding my fists against the wall of In-between, turning God-given longings into childish whining – it can weigh me down all at once.
But eventually my fists get sore and I recognize familiar, insidious discontentment.
It seeps through the cracks in your heart, eventually making you unhappy about everything – dirty dishes, hopes, apartments, babies, cars, parties, jobs, carpet—it all gets sucked in and labeled NOT WHAT I WANT.
But by the grace of God, instead of hanging out with my NOT WHAT I WANT label-maker, these days I’m holding tight to a pieced-together, mismatched, fragile hem of hard-fought contentment.
My contentment is frayed on the edges and worn in the middle because my emotions are emotions: they can build up or tear down, they can point to issues or conceal them. They can help me identify problems, deeply feeling both the good and the bad, and they can help me listen to my intuition as a woman. But, when I take them to be absolute truth, putting my very heavy hope in what my feelings say, tightly hoarding them up into a layer of faux protection, I actually open myself up to discontentment. In-between starts to look like an attack against me and my beautifully orchestrated plans that must be God’s will.
Thankfully, finally, by God’s grace I’ve learned (I'm still learning) to make nice with In-between. And it’s a good thing too, because life is a long series of in-betweens. Life doesn’t always fall into our pre-scheduled blocks. Expectations fail and we find ourselves floundering in the In-between.
‘Arriving’ and finally getting to where you want to be in life is contrived. I think that as a culture, we usually get to one milestone and sit and enjoy it for about a second, only to quickly move on and set our eyes on the next milestone – because that next step will surely, surely make all of life better.
What we sometimes forget is how much shaping and learning goes on during these in-between times. The habits you make in the in-betweens will not magically evaporate when you get where you want to be.
So, I try hard to remember that the perseverance we’re cultivating now will serve us so much better than sitting unhappy until we get to that next milestone. We actually haven’t hit any huge milestones since we got married a year and a half ago. We’ve seen tons of sweet, small successes, and we’ve celebrated those together. We’re having fun, trucking along in this hybrid adult/college student season. Sometimes we screw up. Sometimes the valleys seem long. Sometimes we ask for help. Sometimes I love this season. And sometimes I don’t. But we’re still here, still in the college town, still persevering and learning.
And damnit, that’s okay.
Because I’ve learned that there is no arriving.
Yes, we must cultivate dreams and longings and goals, and we must work hard at them, but I am beginning to learn that the Lord will come through on those when it’s time.
And, even in the midst of His provision, every. single. season. will have its own imperfections and struggles. There will never be a flawless season in your life.
Someday soon, I won’t be main bread-winner for our little family anymore. But, guess what? Life will still be screwy then, too.
So, I say we don’t have to thrash through the In-between, pushing reckless to get to that magical arrival point at any cost, in any condition.
Instead, let’s stick to our guns. While we work hard to move forward, let’s stick to our hard-earned contentment and learn to embrace In-between.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Makin' Up Is Hard To Do

So...I completely fell off the wagon on my goal to "workout every day this week," but life threw some unexpected events at me! Plus, I wanted to spend time with Jon for his birthday.  I decided over a year ago, when I began my weight loss journey, that I would NOT punish myself for not working out.  I promised I would continue to LIVE for each day and moment, be SURE to enjoy the opportunities that come my way, and NEVER EVER sacrifice precious time with precious people.  I workout when I can and do my very best to live a BALANCED lifestyle.  Don't get my wrong, I think it's quite important to be disciplined, have goals, and get SOME form of exercise almost daily, but I can not and will NOT feel guilty for missing a day.  Instead, I'll rejoice in the day that God gave me, and get back to the gym whenever (or wherever) I can.  SO...I woke up to do a 20 Minute Windsor Pilates DVD this morning.  5:40 AM folks. I can't believe it myself! It's even more surprising because I laid in bed until almost midnight doing the following:

1) Reading "Catching Fire" (2nd book in the Hunger Games series)
2) Pinning on Pinterest
3) Downloading new apps on my NEW favorite (which apparently I'm the last one to find out about this) is the Stumble Upon app. You can specify your interests and they randomly select websites that fit your preferences.  I didn't care for some of the websites, BUT, I found a ton of sites I loved!
Check it out:

After work I'm heading to the gym for a 30-minute arm workout and 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical...I'll be sure to post my workout.

It's a beautiful sunny day in Cali today and I'm itching to get out and explore this state...Hope you all have a GREAT's almost FRIDAY!  I'll leave you with a video that was posted by a friend on Facebook...I hope it inspires you to keep dreaming and make. it. count.  (PLEASE disregard the girls in bikini''s really worth checking out!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Three Miles

Last night I ran three consecutive miles WITHOUT stopping for the first time since at least last December.  AND, my time was 29:45...15 seconds faster than my usual!

Here was the workout:

Minutes         Speed
1-5               5
5-10             6
10-12:30      6.5
12:30-15      7
15-17:30      6.5
17:30-18      7
18-18:30      7.5
18:30-19      8
19-19:30      7.5
19:30-20      7
20-22:30      5.5 (recover)
22:30-30      6
30-32:30      4.5
32:30-37:30 4 (fast walk)
37:30-40      3.8
40-42:30      3.5
42:30-45      3

After a trip to Costco--which can usually take me hours because there's so much fun stuff to look at AND sample--I headed home to make bars for Jon to take to work for his birthday.  I'll admit it...I failed! Haha. I've always struggled with's just not my specialty although I've improved tremendously in just a year.  It was my first attempt at making Peanut Butter Finger Bars that Jon's mom has MASTERED, and they tasted way too peanut butter-y! Jon said, "they're pretty good overall...just TOO MUCH PEANUT BUTTER!" Needless to say, he was NOT allowed to take them to work today.  Oh well, the joys of being a young wife!

After our usual Monday night viewing of The Voice (which is finally airing LIVE rounds!), we headed to bed.  The run knocked me right out.

To start out my morning today:

A delicious bowl of Good'n Hearty (unsweetened) Instant oatmeal with sliced almonds, a handful of frozen blueberries (they thaw in the HOT oatmeal...and cool it down so you can eat it almost immediately), 1 Tbsp Honey, and 2 Tbsp Flax.  Yummmmm-y.

Happy Tuesday! If you know Jon don't forget to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Phew...we made it through our first holiday away from our families!!! It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be as we got to Skype with and talk with our families all day. The joys of modern technology!

Last night, we attended the Easter Vigil service at church which was beautiful...filled with WONDERFUL music to lift us up!  After church, we made turkey burgers with sweet potato fries.  We had been meaning to make this earlier in the week but plans changed.  So here's the result:

The meat...seasoned with Montreal Steak.  This is a STAPLE in our household.  We put it on almost EVERYTHING. 

Above are the toppings...minus mustard :(

The potatoes...seasoned with:

Lawry's, Ground Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, and Olive Oil.  Baked at 350 degrees for 40 minutes....if you like them crispier, cook them longer! Next time we definitely will.

Here's the end result:

Suuuper tasty :)  This will probably be a regular...even though the turkey isn't quite as juicy as's MUCH healthier!

This morning we Jon made breakfast.  On the menu: scrambled eggs, bacon (EXTRA crispy), and pancakes.  We went for an hour long walk with Kasey and she was in HEAVEN!  The weather is FINALLY starting to feel as California should. Perfect timing for Easter Sunday.  Woohoo!

Jon and Kasey sharing a doggie bone...

 Look at those eyes...HELP! ;)

I slaved away making Jon's birthday dinner....trying to simulate what his mama would be cookin' up back at home.  On the menu:  Beef 'n Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cake, and Ice Cream (Not homemade like we'd have in Iowa, though!)

The final result!

Not too shabby if I do say so wasn't quite up to par with Mama Mac's, BUT, it was a good enough substitution considering the circumstances! Next up, dessert!

 Time to enjoy some sweets WITH my sweetie, cuddle up, and watch War Horse!  Hope you had a WONDERFUL Easter celebrating God's love and sacrifice for us and enjoying the wonderful blessing of family!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday

Yesterday Jon and I both felt awful--Jon more than me--but we both had serious headaches! I don't know about him, but I KNOW that I didn't drink enough water.  After work, I worked out doing the following routine which I got from Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads by Christine Avanti.  I read this book last fall during the first year of my weight loss/healthy living journey.  I LOVED this book, and I'm now reading (or started reading and will finish after I finish the hunger games, lol) Skinny Chicks Eat Real Food.  I'm not a sales person for Christine, but I thoroughly enjoyed her views on eating REAL food and her concepts are so simple...creating the right portions of a protein/carb/healthy fat at EACH meal to keep you sustained throughout the day.  She offers meal plans and a few workout ideas as well.  Her workouts are "go-to" for me when I don't want to be super creative and just want to get a SOLID workout in that day.  So I'd encourage you to check them out!

I had planned on doing cardio after this, but my body was saying, "NO!" So, I listened.  I headed home and made supper...we had Mac'N Cheese...I know TOTALLY processed, unhealthy food, but this is NOT regular for us, and everything in moderation will NOT kill you!  Along with the Mac'N Cheese I made some super tasty (and SUPER easy) was so yummy I didn't even have time to THINK about taking a picture.  I didn't feel like firing up the grill as it was chilly outside, so here's what I did:


1 Bunch Asparagus
1-2 Tablespoons EVOO
Pinch Ground Sea Salt/Pepper (if you have it)

I preheated the oven to 400 degrees, laid a piece of aluminum foil on the baking sheet, spread out the asparagus, drizzled it with the EVOO, salt, and pepper, and baked for 20 minutes.  You can bake it however long you'd like from about 12-20 minutes depending how crunchy you like it.  You can always add garlic or parmesan cheese but I felt like K.I.S.S. (keepin' it simple, stupid).  

I rented "In the Land of Blood and Honey," but we were both too tired, so we cuddled up with our baby and got some rest!

I woke up this morning feeling SUPER tired so decided that I needed to make SURE I started my morning off with the right food!

 Ever since I nannied last summer for a couple who was from England and Australia, I've loved a good cuppa tea :)  I'll drink anything, but OOGLE over a good Earl Grey or English Breakfast tea.

I've always loved yogurt...and usually buy the plain (less sugar) and add flavors with fruit, nuts, granola, and/or honey, BUT, at work (I'm spoiled to have healthy snacks), they've been buying the yogurt above. I. AM. HOOKED.

I'd like to add a "Best Surprise Today" every once in awhile to my blog...and today's was finding this in my purse:

You might ask, "An egg?"  No, No, No!!!

Only some of my FAVORITE chapstick that I thought had been lost forever...Evolution of Smooth.  Try it out :)

It is Maundy Thursday, (or the day to remember when Jesus washed feet and the Last Supper took place), so after a quick run on the treadmill after work, we're making Turkey Burgers with Sweet Potato Fries for supper,YUMMMM (Check the recipage for the recipes tonight, followed by church!

I'll leave you with these verses for today:

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise
on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."
~Matthew 5:44-45

It can be SO hard to do this, especially when you're filled with anger, rage, or bitterness, but it IS Easter week, and let's remember how much our Lord loved US when he gave up HIS life on the cross despite all of OUR sins.  2 Timothy 1:7 says this:

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Changin' It Up

Be sure to continuously check out the other pages on my blog as I'm now working daily on updating them and filling them with lots of fun and helpful information!

Now here's a reminder to enjoy a little treat today :) If only her tongue were a LITTLE longer...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dining & WINE-ing

So let's reverse....TWO weeks...

Jon's Grandparents came to Cali and visited us.  This was one of the most refreshing weekends since we've been here as the homesickness is really kicking in.  Their visit gave us the strength and encouragement to hold on until JUNE until we get to go home for a few days!

It was a rainy, dreary day, but that didn't stop us!  We started out the morning in Woodland at the Savory Cafe--one of our favorite places to eat lunch.  We hadn't ever tried breakfast, so we knew we wanted to try it out.

I'm not a coffee drinker, but for some reason I was exhausted to I started out with a Cup O Joe.

Followed by a GIANT breakfast: 

ONE Cinnamon Raisin Pancakes (these were HUGE so one was more than enough--these might be one of THE best kinds of pancakes I've EVER had!), hashbrowns, and scrambled eggs.  I can't claim that I ate nearly any of this as Jon got his sticky fingers on most of it.  (Phew!)

Jon's Grandma ordered three, yes, THREE, of these suckers....



Despite wanting to curl up and take a nap after one huge breakfast, we headed for Napa Valley.  I've been waiting to visit Napa since the day we arrived!! I couldn't have been more excited to enjoy the day in Napa with some of my favorite people...

We didn't have a CLUE where to start, so we headed to the Visitors Center (haha very touristy of us, we know) but thankfully we did because we got the scoop on all of the wineries that had specials going on that weekend.  Beringer was having a cellar sale and 2-for-1 wine tastings, so that's the one we picked!

Heading to taste some wine...I hope Jon and I live to be this old and this much in love...

After shopping around for a bit, it was time for my favorite tasting...the man serving us the wine kept saying, "Don't you worry, I'll take care of you ;)" That statement = too much (delicious) wine!

Followed by a wine tour that ended with the BIGGEST bottle of wine I've ever seen.  Unfortunately, it was NOT for sale.  :(
(Sorry, I lost the picture where my thumb WASN'T in the way!)

After all of our wine sampling, shopping, and tours, we made our trip back to Davis.  On our way, we stopped in Winters to have supper at Buckhorn Steakhouse.  We've been waiting for a special occasion to eat there, and this seemed like the PERFECT time.

After THE best onion strings, I dominated the steak and shrimp with garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus.  It was SO tasty and we can't wait to go back again!

Needless to say, we were exhausted after this day.  We all headed home and said our good-byes :(  When we arrived home, we were in for a surprise as one of my closest friends, Lu from, is PREGNANT!!! This was WONDERFUL and super exciting news.  Her and her husband are going to be amazing parents, and I can't wait to learn from their example and meet their little bundle of joy SOON!

The next day, I had the "itch" to "fix" the haircut that I had just gotten.  I can't stand a bad style, so  I hit up a different Aveda Salon, called "Willo" in Roseville.  I was MUCH more pleased with this cut and WILL be returning to this same stylist next time :) Check "Finding a hair stylist in Cali" off of the list. Bye-bye hair...

While I was getting my hairs chopped off, my super sweet hubby hit up the Vera Bradley store and surprised me with the traveler and make-up bag that matched the straightener case I already have!! He also entered my name in a drawing and...I WON! Best. Day. Ever. Thank you Jonny!

At church that night, the message was given from Pontius Pilate's point of view of the persecution and crucifixion of Jesus.  This is something that I haven't ever really heard of OR thought about.  It was neat, and definitely touched my heart.  The main message was to HAVE COURAGE when faced with opposing crowds...have courage to stand up for what you believe in, stick to your guns, to what you know is right.  The MOST important thing that I heard was to seek Jesus Christ MORE than seeking job security.  It makes complete sense, too, because if we're seeking Christ, EVERYTHING else will be taken care of! What an incredible concept.

We had a pretty typical week--work, eat, exercise, sleep, repeat.  I managed to get back in the pool for a swim workout for the first time in SEVERAL years.  I was on the competitive swimming team growing up and used to get up 3 mornings/week at 5:30 to go to practice, and practiced the other two days/week after school.  Most mornings I'd fight with mom so I wouldn't have to go, but it was only because of the time!! I LOVED being in the water, and if I hadn't fallen MORE in love with volleyball, I would've swam competitively in high school.  I'm thanking her now that I can hop in the pool and add it to my cardio workouts and train for my first Sprint Marathon!! THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!!

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I spent MOST of my evenings reading the first book of the "Hunger Games" which is why I've fallen so far behind on this blog. Jon was studying for his mid-term, so it gave me time to enjoy a good book!  My surprise treat on Friday: a date to Bistro 33 followed by The Hunger Games movie!!  Woo Hoo :)

Saturday was the Final Four, so I made my meal plan for the week, and headed to the grocery store and picked up ingredients to create my own Taco Dip from two Taco Soup recipes I had.  The recipe is soon to come...but here is what we enjoyed while watching the games:

Although this past week and a half has been filled with a lot of fun, I'll be honest, I've been struggling tremendously! I want to keep this blog as positive and uplifting as possible, but I also promised that I'd be honest.  Life is HARD, and marriage is HARDER! As true as this is, I believe that "anything worth having is worth working for." Marriage is by far the hardest thing yet the most blessed thing I've ever done.  Jon and I have decided that there is NO way to really prepare someone for marriage.  This is obvious, but just so real for us right now.  We definitely condone pre-marital counseling, and went through the Prepare & Enrich program with our wonderful Pastor.  We learned so much about each other through that, but marriage is a whole new world, and SHOULD be as it's reserved for a special time and season in our lives.  We love each other tremendously and are 100% committed, but we both grew up naively in wonderful homes, not TRULY realizing HOW much work went into our parent's amazing relationships.  We have BIG shoes to fill!! :)

 Anyways, I read THIS article yesterday at work, and it spoke to me BIG time.  I won't share with you what my "itch" is quite yet, but it hit home with me. I shut down last night, and just needed to cry and cry and cry, and then pray and sleep.  I feel awful when this happens, because I feel as though nothing gets accomplished.  Quite the contrary.  I woke up feeling refreshed, and felt a HUGE tugging on my heart to get into God's Word.  I had seen a 31 Days of Encouragement study online and decided I was either going to give that a try, or read a Proverb/day.  (In case you don't know, there are 31 Proverbs making it the PERFECT go-to if you want to get into God's Word and don't know where to start, OR want to read through Proverbs each month.)  I decided I was going to start with the 31 Days of Encouragement study.  I spent time in God's Word before work, the first time I've done this since being here, and although my day wasn't perfect, I had a different peace in my heart.

I read Deuteronomy 6:6-9 "And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today.  Repeat them again and again to your children.  Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.  Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." The part that sticks out to me is "repeat them AGAIN and AGAIN"--so much repetition is needed...not just a one time deal and then done and do NOT be ashamed---CONSTANTLY have our minds on the Lord and seeking Him---CONSTANTLY, in our heart, our home, our mind, our relationships, everything. I find myself WANTING to do the Lord's will...and will even pray about it...but neglect the Word as a source for God to speak to me :(

When I got to work this morning, I received an e-mail from one of my closest friends, Brooke, asking me to do a Proverbs/Day with her.  That was SUCH a blessing, and made me smile as I KNEW God had His hand in it.  We hadn't spoken yet that day, and she had no idea that I was in such a bad place the night before, but God knew I needed to be lifted up, and He delivered!  I would definitely recommend, even if you don't have someone to go through it with, to do a Proverb/Day and see, just SEE, if there's any difference in your days, or even month.  I'm not magically back to who I want to be, but I'm working on getting there!

After getting to talk with my Dad tonight, I miss home even more.  Thankfully, I know being here is the Lord's will, and He will help me through yet another journey, and I WILL rejoice! Off to catch some zzzz's!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hiding Out

So, I know that I promised a recap of our week LAST Monday...and now THIS Monday is here and I still haven't delivered!!! Don't's on the way...but you can all blame this for my absence:

I'm absolutely HOOKED therefore my blog AND my husband have not seen me much. I'll be back tonight...before The Voice of FILL. YOU. IN! Make it a great Monday...and Happy Easter Week!