
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Phew...we made it through our first holiday away from our families!!! It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be as we got to Skype with and talk with our families all day. The joys of modern technology!

Last night, we attended the Easter Vigil service at church which was beautiful...filled with WONDERFUL music to lift us up!  After church, we made turkey burgers with sweet potato fries.  We had been meaning to make this earlier in the week but plans changed.  So here's the result:

The meat...seasoned with Montreal Steak.  This is a STAPLE in our household.  We put it on almost EVERYTHING. 

Above are the toppings...minus mustard :(

The potatoes...seasoned with:

Lawry's, Ground Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, and Olive Oil.  Baked at 350 degrees for 40 minutes....if you like them crispier, cook them longer! Next time we definitely will.

Here's the end result:

Suuuper tasty :)  This will probably be a regular...even though the turkey isn't quite as juicy as's MUCH healthier!

This morning we Jon made breakfast.  On the menu: scrambled eggs, bacon (EXTRA crispy), and pancakes.  We went for an hour long walk with Kasey and she was in HEAVEN!  The weather is FINALLY starting to feel as California should. Perfect timing for Easter Sunday.  Woohoo!

Jon and Kasey sharing a doggie bone...

 Look at those eyes...HELP! ;)

I slaved away making Jon's birthday dinner....trying to simulate what his mama would be cookin' up back at home.  On the menu:  Beef 'n Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cake, and Ice Cream (Not homemade like we'd have in Iowa, though!)

The final result!

Not too shabby if I do say so wasn't quite up to par with Mama Mac's, BUT, it was a good enough substitution considering the circumstances! Next up, dessert!

 Time to enjoy some sweets WITH my sweetie, cuddle up, and watch War Horse!  Hope you had a WONDERFUL Easter celebrating God's love and sacrifice for us and enjoying the wonderful blessing of family!

1 comment:

  1. It all looks and sounds delicious!!! YUM Glad you made it through your first holiday away
    We are Nothing without God :) xoxoxo
