
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Three Miles

Last night I ran three consecutive miles WITHOUT stopping for the first time since at least last December.  AND, my time was 29:45...15 seconds faster than my usual!

Here was the workout:

Minutes         Speed
1-5               5
5-10             6
10-12:30      6.5
12:30-15      7
15-17:30      6.5
17:30-18      7
18-18:30      7.5
18:30-19      8
19-19:30      7.5
19:30-20      7
20-22:30      5.5 (recover)
22:30-30      6
30-32:30      4.5
32:30-37:30 4 (fast walk)
37:30-40      3.8
40-42:30      3.5
42:30-45      3

After a trip to Costco--which can usually take me hours because there's so much fun stuff to look at AND sample--I headed home to make bars for Jon to take to work for his birthday.  I'll admit it...I failed! Haha. I've always struggled with's just not my specialty although I've improved tremendously in just a year.  It was my first attempt at making Peanut Butter Finger Bars that Jon's mom has MASTERED, and they tasted way too peanut butter-y! Jon said, "they're pretty good overall...just TOO MUCH PEANUT BUTTER!" Needless to say, he was NOT allowed to take them to work today.  Oh well, the joys of being a young wife!

After our usual Monday night viewing of The Voice (which is finally airing LIVE rounds!), we headed to bed.  The run knocked me right out.

To start out my morning today:

A delicious bowl of Good'n Hearty (unsweetened) Instant oatmeal with sliced almonds, a handful of frozen blueberries (they thaw in the HOT oatmeal...and cool it down so you can eat it almost immediately), 1 Tbsp Honey, and 2 Tbsp Flax.  Yummmmm-y.

Happy Tuesday! If you know Jon don't forget to wish him a Happy Birthday!

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