
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Makin' Up Is Hard To Do

So...I completely fell off the wagon on my goal to "workout every day this week," but life threw some unexpected events at me! Plus, I wanted to spend time with Jon for his birthday.  I decided over a year ago, when I began my weight loss journey, that I would NOT punish myself for not working out.  I promised I would continue to LIVE for each day and moment, be SURE to enjoy the opportunities that come my way, and NEVER EVER sacrifice precious time with precious people.  I workout when I can and do my very best to live a BALANCED lifestyle.  Don't get my wrong, I think it's quite important to be disciplined, have goals, and get SOME form of exercise almost daily, but I can not and will NOT feel guilty for missing a day.  Instead, I'll rejoice in the day that God gave me, and get back to the gym whenever (or wherever) I can.  SO...I woke up to do a 20 Minute Windsor Pilates DVD this morning.  5:40 AM folks. I can't believe it myself! It's even more surprising because I laid in bed until almost midnight doing the following:

1) Reading "Catching Fire" (2nd book in the Hunger Games series)
2) Pinning on Pinterest
3) Downloading new apps on my NEW favorite (which apparently I'm the last one to find out about this) is the Stumble Upon app. You can specify your interests and they randomly select websites that fit your preferences.  I didn't care for some of the websites, BUT, I found a ton of sites I loved!
Check it out:

After work I'm heading to the gym for a 30-minute arm workout and 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical...I'll be sure to post my workout.

It's a beautiful sunny day in Cali today and I'm itching to get out and explore this state...Hope you all have a GREAT's almost FRIDAY!  I'll leave you with a video that was posted by a friend on Facebook...I hope it inspires you to keep dreaming and make. it. count.  (PLEASE disregard the girls in bikini''s really worth checking out!)

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