
Monday, March 26, 2012

The Voice

When I got home from work today, I had a lot on my "to-do" list.  Although we didn't conquer even half of what we needed to, we had a simple and great evening.

Jon and I started out with a 30 minute bike ride aiming to stay at 15 MPH the entire ride.  We did pretty well considering we took a new route with a lot more stoplights which makes it hard to maintain a constant speed. He's naturally stronger and better at this than me--but I did better that I've done before so I'll take it!  We came home, got to Skype with Jon's sister (thank God for Skype--really!) and made supper JUST in time to turn on The Voice.

For Her: Bean and cheese burrito with carrots/hummus and a couple of bites of leftover garlic    mashed potatoes
For Him: Toast (multiple slices) with black raspberry jam

We try to get rid of any leftovers before we go grocery shopping for the week, saving money AND food, so hodge podge suppers are definitely the norm for us.  Our fridge is looking a little bare (along with the fruit and veggie bowls) so I can't wait to hit up the market tomorrow.

I meant to get caught up on here tonight, (I've got a LOT to write about) but I get SO sucked into The Voice! We had a super busy yet fun weekend and I can't wait to share the stories, photos, and events of our past few days with you!!! But for now, back to The Voice, then off to sleep!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend :)

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